5-part differentiation, 29 parameters, 1 3D scatter gram, 3 2D scatter grams and 3 histograms.
Tri- angle semi-conductor Laser scatter combined with chemical dye method, advanced flow cytometry.
Compact, powerful and affordable.
Only 20ul sampling volume
Up to 60 samples per hour
3 counting modes: whole blood, capillary blood, and predilute
Capability to flag abnormal samples
Large storage capacity: up to 100,000 samples
Detection Parameter: The detection items include 29 parameters: WBC, Lym%, Lym#, Mon%, Mon#, Neu%, Neu#, Eos%, Eos#, Bas%, Bas#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, PDW, MPV, PCT, and 4 research parameters: P-LCC, P-LCR, LIC%, LIC#, ALY%, ALY# 1 3D and 3 2D 3 scattergrams and 3 histogram
3 histograms for WBC, RBC, and PLT.
3 DIFF scattergram and 1 BASO sacattergram.3 histograms, alarm for abnormal erythrocytes, leukocyte, and platelet.
Reagent: DIL-C Diluent, LYC-1 Lyse, LYC-2 Lyse, CLE-P
Throughput: 60 Sample/Hour.
Sample Volume: Minimum volume 15µL.
Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting.
Cyanide-free reagent for a hemoglobin test.
Flow cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter method for WBC 5-part differential analysis and WBC counting.